I’m working with version 20.2, so I’ll cd into the 20.2.0 folder. Then cd to the version of SQL Developer you have installed. However, I also have several Java JDK’s on my machine! 8, 12, and 14 – the 8 is officially supported.īy default SQL Developer will use the Java returned by this command, but what if that’s not the ‘right one?’ I want to tell SQLDev WHICH Java to use I’m running Oracle JDK 14, which is an updated take on 11 – it’s not officially supported, but it’ll work. This should return something with a ‘jdk’ in the string You don’t have to do this step, but if you don’t, you’ll be running SQL Developer out of the downloads folder.
Then drag it to your Applications in Finder.
java -version (you can tell how OLD this post is, you should be using something like Java 8 update 250, not update 25 in 2021!) Download and ‘Install’ the latest SQL Developer To see if it ‘worked,’ run Java from a shell prompt. If you need more help, here’s the docs around installing Java on a Mac. Once you’ve downloaded Java, it’s pretty simple to run the install. Oracle products requiring Java don’t require licensing to use an Oracle JDK. If you’re worried about licensing and want to use an OpenJDK instead – that’s not supported, and it’s not necessary. I hate saying ‘Java …JDK’ as the J stands for Java, but until then I guess that’s how I’ll keep saying it.
Download and Install an Oracle Java 8 or 11 JDK If you don’t like the answers you get back, you’re going to need to install Java. Or you can ask your machine to tell you what the current Java Home is… /usr/libexec/java_home …which asks Java to tell you what version it is. So the first thing I like to see is if my machine already has Java. Either the JDK was removed and replaced with a JRE, or maybe you ended up with Java 9 or 10 on your machine, which won’t work at all with SQL Developer.
It usually boils down to SQL Developer not being able to find and use the proper JDK.
This usually happens as folks get new hardware or as updates are applied to their machines…something quits working. I have ran into a few issues getting SQL Developer version X.Y.Z on my Mac Mini, and I’ve seen a few questions online today now that Big Sur is available. Updated Decem– after some reports from folks having issues on Big Sur, I added some additional details around troubleshooting.